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Request for Proposals (RFP) for Grant Writing Services

The Rural Maryland Council (RMC) requests proposals for grant writing services for the calendar year 2023.
Applications will be considered from both firms and individuals.

The Rural Maryland Council (RMC) brings together citizens, community-based organizations, federal,
state, county, and municipal government officials as well as representatives of the for-profit and
nonprofit sectors to collectively address the needs of Rural Maryland communities. We provide a venue
for members of the agriculture and natural resource-based industries, health care facilities, educational
institutions, economic and community development organizations, for-profit and nonprofit
corporations and government agencies to cross traditional boundaries, share information, and address
in a more holistic way the special needs and opportunities in Rural Maryland.

Our goals are to:
• Encourage healthy, connected communities throughout Rural Maryland through the convening of
stakeholders, education, public relations, and advocacy.
• Support the development and growth of vibrant economies in Rural Maryland.
• Foster stewardship of Maryland’s natural resources.
• Maximize RMC outreach, resources, and mission through financial and organizational

As a collaborative partnership, the RMC operates in a nonpartisan and nondiscriminatory manner.
Policy-makers and managers from stakeholder agencies and organizations at all levels of government
and the private sector are valued participants. Where practical, the decision-making is undertaken by the
RMC is made by reaching a consensus.

RMC’s vision is a future where all of Rural Maryland is prosperous with thriving resources, vibrant
economies, and healthy, connected communities.

Scope of Work
The contracted work is to include grant proposals/applications for USDA Rural Development grant
programs and also possible future projects. The Rural Maryland Council identifies grant writing services
in its 2021-2024 Strategic Plan Goal 1, Develop a plan for long-term financial sustainability: Objective 1.6
Explore the possibility of engaging a grant writer for the Foundation.

The Grant Writer will work closely with the Executive Director, who is charged with the implementation
of the 2021-2024 Strategic Plan.

The Council is seeking a grant writer or firm with a proven track record in:
• Creating complex proposals from diverse funding sources.
• Skills in demographic data collection and analysis.
• An entrepreneurial approach to funding development.

Previous experience should include:
• Working in the philanthropic arena of rural areas.
• Previous personal and/or professional experiences in rural communities or communities that
serve a large area of poverty residents.

Fee Schedule
The fee schedule should be all-inclusive and presented on an hourly basis. Applicant must provide a detailed
price breakdown including fees for the following staff, if applicable: A) Senior staff; B) Professional staff;
and C) Clerical staff. The cost will be based on the projected hours of work provided. The contractor will
invoice and be paid per application.

The Council plans to award the contract by May 6, 2023. The Council will then mutually discuss and
refine the scope of work with the selected applicant and shall negotiate final conditions, compensation,
and performance schedule.

RFP Questions and Responses
All questions pertaining to this proposal must be submitted in writing via email to: Charlotte Davis,
Executive Director at

Statement of Non-Commitment
Issuance of this RFP does not obligate the Council or the State to award a contract or to pay any costs
incurred in the preparation of proposals responding to this RFP.

Application Requirements

To apply submit the following:
1. Examples of grant sources from which the applicant has successfully obtained funding (provide
specific examples of grant programs, government agencies, or foundations, amounts, and purposes of
2. Clear demonstration of the applicant’s knowledge of, and experience with rural communities.
3. An excerpt from a successful grant written by the applicant that is representative of his/her writing
style. The excerpt should not exceed 2 pages and should not contain any confidential or proprietary
4. Schedule of proposed fees.

5. A minimum of two (2) professional references from clients for whom the applicant has successfully
performed similar work.
6. Proposals must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 6, 2023, in one PDF file to Charlotte
Davis, Executive Director at
7. Total proposal should be no longer than 8 standard letter-sized pages. Proposals not meeting the
criteria outlined in the RFP will not be considered.
