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Rural Maryland Council Honors Rural Community Advocates

Annapolis, MD – The Rural Maryland Council and its membership convened by teleconference on
December 2, 2020 from 12 to 1pm for its Executive Board Meeting and Rural Impacts Award Ceremony.
This annual event provides an overview of upcoming events and activities for 2021 and honors advocates
for rural Maryland communities. “After one year as Chair of the RMC, I have met so many more people
that support the mission of the Rural Maryland Council. I was humbled to present these awards to some
of our most caring citizens.” – John Hartline.

This year, five awards were presented for the 2020 Rural Impact Award Ceremony:

• The Outstanding Rural Volunteer Award was received by Mr. Erroll Mattox for his
leadership, dedication, and noteworthy volunteer achievement beyond the call of one’s
professional duties to help improve their community.

• The Outstanding Rural Community Development Award was received by Mr. Dave Wheelan
for a program, project or organization that substantially improves the quality of life in multiple
rural communities.

• Outstanding Rural Economic Development Award was received by The Greater Cumberland
Committee for leadership, dedication, and noteworthy achievement to help improve economic
development opportunities in rural communities.

• The Rural Champion Awards were received by Senator Douglas J.J. Peters and Senator
Stephen S. Hershey, Jr. for their outstanding leadership and public service in advocating for
policy solutions to greatly benefit rural communities.

The Rural Maryland Council operates under the direction of a 40-member executive board in a
nonpartisan and nondiscriminatory manner. It serves as the state’s federally designated rural development
council and functions as a voice for rural Maryland, advocating for and helping rural communities and
businesses across the state to flourish and to gain equity to its suburban and urban counterparts. The
vision for RMC is the ultimate realization that residents in rural communities are achieving success in
education and employment, have access to affordable, quality health care and other vital public services,
and live in an environment where natural and cultural resources are being sustained for future generations.


Rural Impact Awardees from Left to Right: Erroll Mattox, Dave Wheelan, Jennifer Walsh for the Greater
Cumberland Committee, Senator Douglas J.J. Peters, and Senator Stephen S. Hershey, Jr.
