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Forest Action Plan Listening Sessions

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources, in concert with the Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology of the University of Maryland, will host six public listening sessions in May to aid in the development of Maryland Forest Service’s 2020 Forest Action Plan (FAP). The FAP assesses the current state of the forest resources and lays out the strategy for addressing forestry priorities in the state. These listening sessions will allow stakeholders to provide feedback on how the FAP should be structured and what it should include. What are the biggest issues facing Maryland forests? Is there anything threatening the state’s forestry industry? What resources do Maryland’s forests and foresters need? In addition to participating in the listening sessions in May, please take this short survey to provide input on the needs of Maryland’s forests and forestry moving forward. Listening sessions are held in every region of the state this May, with identical information presented at each event. All sessions are free and open to the public; register to attend the sessions here.







