Maryland Launches Apprenticeship Ambassador Program
Maryland Labor Secretary Kelly M. Schulz announced the launch of the Maryland Apprenticeship Ambassador Program, an incentive program that raises awareness about registered apprenticeships and encourages job seekers and businesses to engage in apprenticeship opportunities. Ambassadors undertake their role on a voluntary basis by cultivating and strengthening relationships with key stakeholders, including students, parents, educators, business owners, elected officials, trade associations, and employment bodies. They advance and support outreach activities and events, raising awareness about registered apprenticeships as Maryland’s premiere workforce solution and driving stakeholders to action.
Three organizations have already received “Ambassador” designation: Regional Manufacturing Institute of Maryland (RMI); Rural Maryland Council (RMC); and, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) as Joint Ambassadors since this is a JATC.
RMI, the state’s first apprenticeship ambassador, is an innovative and forward thinking leader in the manufacturing industry with a broad group of stakeholders including manufacturers, academia, government, and non-profit trade organizations. RMI recognizes the value of registered apprenticeships and the potential impact they have on growing Maryland’s manufacturing industry, a key priority for the Hogan administration. Their long-time advocacy for innovative workforce solutions makes RMI a perfect match for the ambassador program.
Hyperlinks below with more information.
o Ambassador press release
o Ambassador webpage
o Regional Manufacturing Institute
o Rural Maryland Council
o IBEW Local 24 and National Electrical Contractors Association, Maryland