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State Expands Maryland Apprenticeship Ambassador Program

Rural Maryland Council Named Ambassador

BALTIMORE (Jan. 26, 2018) – Today, Maryland Labor Secretary Kelly M. Schulz welcomed the Rural Maryland Council (RMC) to the Maryland Apprenticeship Ambassador Program, an incentive program that raises awareness about registered apprenticeships and encourages job seekers and businesses to engage in apprenticeship opportunities. Believing apprenticeship to be Maryland’s premiere workforce solution, RMC will help spread the word about the power of apprenticeship to Maryland’s workers and job creators.

“The Rural Maryland Council is impacting rural Maryland in amazing ways,” said Labor Secretary Schulz. “RMC recognizes the value of registered apprenticeships and the potential impact they have on growing rural Maryland’s economy. Their tireless advocacy and dedicated leadership will help us open doors and make registered apprenticeship available in all occupations and in all areas of the state.”

The Rural Maryland Council is the only state agency solely dedicated to rural development. Through its vast network of citizens, community-based organizations, federal, state, county, and municipal government officials, as well as representatives of the for-profit and nonprofit sectors, RMC will support the development and growth of Maryland’s rural communities through registered apprenticeships.

“With our rural areas struggling to provide stable, high-wage jobs, apprenticeships have long been the answer,” said Josh Hastings, RMC chair. “This important pipeline retains our youth within our communities while enabling them to acquire important skills and providing employers access to the future workforce. We are honored to serve as an ambassador and excited to partner with the state in this way.”

Ambassadors voluntarily cultivate and strengthen relationships with key stakeholders – driving them to action – and advance and support outreach activities and events. For their commitment, ambassadors receive special recognition from the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, customized advice and counsel on navigating the Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program, the latest in apprenticeship news and emerging workforce trends, and valuable media exposure.

About Apprenticeship in Maryland

Since the beginning of the Hogan administration in January 2015, the number of registered apprentices has increased by nearly 20 percent. Today, approximately 9,600 apprentices work in over 230 different occupations. In 2017, 15 new registered apprenticeship programs were created and seven were re-activated, resulting in a record year for the program.

For more information about registered apprenticeships or to be considered for a Maryland apprenticeship ambassadorship, contact or call 410-767-2246.

About the Maryland Department of Labor

The Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR) is committed to safeguarding and protecting Marylanders. We’re proud to support the economic stability of the state by providing businesses, the workforce, and the consuming public with high-quality, customer-focused regulatory, employment, and training services. For updates and information, follow DLLR on Twitter and Facebook, and visit our website.
