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‘Catch of the Day’ a success at Calvert Marine Museum

The Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland reports that the sixth annual Southern Maryland Regional Hiring Event was a huge success, according to a news release.

The saw 1,089 jobseekers on Tuesday, June 20, at the Calvert Marine Museum in Solomons. The majority came from the Southern Maryland area with 382 from St. Mary’s County, 305 from Calvert, and 296 from Charles. However, the event spread far and wide and had attendees from all over the country, stretching from Washington, D.C., to New York and South Carolina to Arizona, and beyond, the release stated.

The event was at maximum capacity with a total of 71 businesses, each with open positions to fill. The businesses were primarily local with 28 from Charles, 25 from St. Mary’s, and 13 from Calvert, with the remaining few from Prince George’s County and Washington, D.C. The event offered a wide range of employers from hospitals to defense and construction contractors to National Harbor and everything in between.

“We at the Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland are delighted with the turnout for this year’s hiring event. The excitement and eagerness to connect could be felt throughout the day from jobseekers and employers alike. Special recognition goes to Eleanor Nelson of Coach on Call who created this fantastic event six years ago and has made it bigger and better each year. We are truly grateful for all of her hard work and dedication,” Ruthy Davis, Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland, said in the release.

The new “Catch of the Day” theme was enjoyed by all, perfectly accompanied by the beautiful water view the Calvert Marine Museum venue provided.

“As the creator and director of this annual event, I would like to thank everyone who made the sixth annual Southern Maryland Regional Hiring Event possible! From the jobseekers to the employers and sponsors, to the Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland, The Job Match Re- Employment Committee, all the volunteers, and the Calvert Marine Museum; each individual played an integral part in making this year’s event a huge success! I would also like to thank the Rural Maryland Council for their generous grant to fund the sixth annual Southern Maryland Regional Hiring Event,” Eleanor Nelson, Coach on Call, said in the release.

The hiring event is a well-attended, successful annual event bringing together those who are looking to hire and those who seek career connections. The event’s unique format allows employers to meet, interview and hire from a wide array of talent in the local area, according to the release.

The workforce development focus of the Tri-County Council is best known through initiatives such as Southern Maryland JobSource and the American Job Centers, which served 40,000 Southern Maryland citizens and 500 businesses over the past two years, the Mobile Career Center, and the annual Southern Maryland Regional Hiring Event. The Tri- County Council serves as a forum for the discussion and resolution of issues affecting the Southern Maryland region, promotes the social and economic development of the region, and assists federal, state and county governments in better performing their respective duties.

View the original article from the Calvert Business News here.


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