“Reducing Unhealthy Alcohol and Drug Use Among Patients in Office-Based Physician Practices” Training Opportunity
This training will introduce primary care and specialty care physicians to Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) methods for the purpose of reducing unhealthy alcohol use and drug use among patients. The training will be led by two local addiction and SBIRT experts – Christopher Welsh, MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, and Carlo DiClemente, Ph.D., University of Maryland Baltimore County. The goals of the training are to orient physicians to SBIRT, improve physician use of motivational techniques to change patient behavior, and provide practical tips for providing SBIRT services in busy office-based settings. Reimbursement will be discussed.
Training Objectives
1. Orient physicians to Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT), an evidence-based intervention for patients with low, medium or severe alcohol and drug use.
2. Improve physician use of motivational techniques to influence patients to reduce unhealthy behaviors.
3. Provide a framework for providing SBIRT services in office-based settings including the use of electronic health records, billing codes, etc.
4. Provide information on safe opioid prescribing practices for physicians.
This training is offered Maryland SBIRT on Wednesday, September 21st, 4pm- 8pm, at the Chesapeake College in Wye Mills. Please contact Erica Horney at Mid-Shore Mental Health Systems, Inc. via email, ehorney@msmhs.org, or by calling 410-770-4801 to reserve your space. Download more information here.